How do I make my 1-2-1 Meeting Selections?

How to make selections for who you would like to meet for a 1-2-1 meeting.

Your Event Manager will grant access to your 1-2-1 delegate choices list through the sponsor portal, around 4-6 weeks prior to the event. Instructions to access the portal can be found here. You will receive a detailed list with information on each attending delegate, including the following:

  • Areas they are prioritising.
  • Their level of influence in buying/partnering decisions.
  • Their personal/company profile. 
  • Company/department size.

📑 Your event manager will require a minimum number of selected delegates (30 choices for 7 meetings, or 50 choices for 14 meetings). Some attendees may decline, so please select the minimum to guarantee your contracted meetings

📽️ Please view the Making Your Initial Choices video guide here.

Sponsors who reach their meeting quota in our events consistently do so by fulfilling the required amounts of choices as stated above and submit their choices by the given deadline from your event manager.

Follow the below to maximise the number of acceptances from delegates:

Prioritise your choices: You may number them from 1 (highest) to 30/40 (lowest) or just number the top 10 (1-10). You may also simply highlight or mark clearly who you wish to meet without priority assigned. We will prioritise your highest numbered delegates to provide you with the best quality meetings. 

Tailor your company profile: If possible, please consider providing a company profile that is tailored to the event you are sponsoring so that attendees clearly see the relevance of potential opportunities for you to partner/collaborate with them.

Personalise your invitation: In addition, you may also wish to provide a personalised message for your high priority choices, stating why you wish to meet them. This has the potential to make your invitation stand out and improve the probability of it being accepted.

We'll offer updated attendee lists for your selection. We'll notify you of any updates, and you can revisit your 1-2-1 meetings page anytime to add attendees as our team monitors it regularly.


Please note that the 1-2-1 meetings are reserved for sponsors with this included in their package. Please contact if you are unsure if you have these or wish to upgrade.