How do I use the 1-2-1 choices sheet?

A guide to understanding how to correctly fill in and use the 1-2-1 choices sheet.

The 1-2-1 choices sheet is a live document which can be viewed and edited by you and your event/1-2-1 meetings manager. Please only update the live document online and not a downloaded copy.


In the 1-2-1 choices sheet you will find:

⭕ Original Choices: Indicate who you would like to meet by marking in the Priority Order column the number you wish to assign to the delegate 1 (highest priority) to 30/50 (lowest) or simply number your top 10 (1-10). If you do not wish to assign a priority, simply highlight the entire row in yellow or in the Priority Order column mark your selection with a 1.

⭕ New Registrants: Additional attendees will be listed in a separate tab called  for you to make further choices. Please view the Making Your Additional Choices video guide here.

Once you finalise your selection on either the Original Choices or New Registrant tab, please confirm by marking YES at the top of the sheet next to the statement: “I can confirm the 1-2-1 list is complete: YES / NO.” When your Original Choices Sheet is marked as complete this will be locked from editing. Should you need to access this, please contact your event manager.

⭕ Meetings Update: Your accepted meetings are displayed here (approx 1-2 weeks after selection deadline). The scheduling process will not start until closer to the event, so please leave the columns “Date of  Meeting” and “Time” blank as we will fill this in. Please view the Meetings Update Tab video guide here.

The scheduling process begins 1-2 weeks before the event. Meetings will be scheduled according to availability of time slots and attendees who request specific days and/or times. Please note that we may have to schedule 2 meetings in a single time slot if you have a meeting quota of 14 and above. At this stage if you are able, please fill in your assigned representative in the appropriate column. Please view the Scheduling Meetings video guide here.

⭕Delegates who would like to meet with you: Delegates may request to meet you for 1-2-1 meeting, they will appear in a separate table below your accepted meetings. Please review these and either mark accept or decline in the appropriate column. Delegates who appear here will not have been from your initial choices however have expressed direct interest to meet with you. These meetings count as part of your allocated quota should you accept the request.